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Tag: Commercial Insurance

Five Tips for Small Businesses

Five Tips for Small Businesses

Small Business Week takes place in the last week in April and is a great time to revisit your business goals you made at the beginning of the year. Use this time to take a look at what’s working and what you can tweak with the help of these five tips. Focus on your goals. It’s ok to re-evaluate your business goals and objectives—it’s even necessary...

3 New Year's Resolutions for Small Businesses

3 New Year's Resolutions for Small Businesses

2023 is almost upon us, along with the long-held tradition of New Year’s resolutions. For individuals, after a season of parties, food, holiday cookies, cakes, and drinks, resolutions about losing weight are a common theme – but what about small business owners?  The New Year is the ideal time to set goals for the year, establish a workable plan to achieve those goals, and evaluate...

Business Landscaping Tips

Business Landscaping Tips

If you own a commercial property, then landscaping is a part of doing business – whether you like it or not.To help take one more thing off your plate (and help boost your curb appeal in the process), consider hiring a commercial landscape contractor. But how do you choose the right contractor? And what services do you really need?To help find the best lawn-care solution...

5 Medical Malpractice Insurance Myths

5 Medical Malpractice Insurance Myths

If you are practicing medicine, malpractice insurance is a must. Myths and misunderstandings surrounding professional liability insurance for doctors make the subject more complicated than it is. Here are some common medical malpractice insurance myths, followed by the facts: You Cannot Be Sued for More Than Your Policy Limits This statement is false. You are the one being sued for malpractice. If a jury awards...

Is Your Small Business Recession Proof?

Is Your Small Business Recession Proof?

The time to recession-proof your business is before the economy starts to downturn. Later may be too late to turn the ship around. Careful planning and taking specific steps now can help you prepare your small business for future downturns and marketplace changes. Get a Handle on Your Cash Flow Many businesses fail because of problems with cash flow. It is important to know your...

Indianapolis Insurance Quotes

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